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Re: configuring return address on outgoing mail

On Sat, 17 Jan 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Using a different From-address is not the MTA's task but the job ob
> the user agent.  You can tell mutt, elm, pine etc. which from address
> to use.

Hmm, I *think* the From: address is already correct, I set it in VM. I
sent my earlier mail from my Debian box (this one's not though), so you
might could tell from that. I'd look myself but apparently I was
unsubscribed to debian-user recently (I just noticed, I thought traffic
was just real low but turns out I was only getting messages cc'd to other
lists). (Which also means I've missed any responses not cc'd to me, but
I've resubscribed now).

A local expert tells me that bounced mail doesn't go to the From: address
but to some other thing set by the MTA. I've tried sending mail to bad
addresses and I get nothing back. So something's wrong.

Thanks much,
 Havoc Pennington

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