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Re: Cloning a Debian system

dump and restore are your friends.

On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Gregory Guthrie wrote:

> I have setup a small Debian Linux system as a router, is there an easy way
> to "clone" this? I.e. to create copies of it on similar machines. Ee need
> them in pairs for WAN links between segments (EN-PPP-EN).
> E.g. a small boot to an LRP* or recovery disk, and a tftp, or, ....?
> Now we have to take disks to a system with a CDROM, or move a CDROM around,
> etc.. ich!
> Thanks.
> ---------------
> *http://www.psychosis.com/linux-router/
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Gregory Guthrie
> guthrie@mum.edu         (515)472-1125    Fax: -1103
> Computer Science Department
>        College of Science and Technology
>        Maharishi University of Management
>       (Maharishi International University 1971-1995)
> --------------------------------------------------------
> --
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George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
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