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Re: Announce: Simple End-User Linux (SEUL) Project

Michael Stutz wrote:
>On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, George Bonser wrote:
> > I think it might be a better idea to concentrate resources on the one
> > currently available completely free Linux distribution and improve it
> > rather than further fragment the community with yet another distribution.
> Could the project goals of SEUL be met by Debian somehow? It already is a
> stable, robust distribution, and is not going to go away. It also has gotten
> easier to install and maintain with recent releases. What if improvements
> were made to Debian's install and upgrade facilities to make it even easier,
> and/or more documentation was created in the form of useful tutorials for
> common procedures -- would this meet SEUL's goals? If so, it would save a
> lot of work both for the SEUL team (who would be creating a new distribution
> from scratch, which realistically would probably never be as robust as
> Debian), and for the Debian project (who would gain the assistance of the
> SEUL folks in making Debian easier to install and maintain).

I definitely have to agree with these statements.  I think
the last thing a new Linux user needs, is another Linux
distribution to choose from.  I know I was a bit
dissappointed with the fragmentation when I started with it
(about 3 months ago).  Please take Debian and improve the
installation utilities (I'm a big fan of SGI's 'swmgr'. 
Anyone want to write a clone for dpkg?).  Maybe move the
documentation into a web-based format (HTML) to make the
current information easier to navigate.  Maybe web-based
admin tools?

Matthew Majka - Software Engineer
Honeywell Defense Avionics Systems
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

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