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Re: which pgp package for international?

We changed the settings accordingly.

: On Mon, Jan 12, 1998 at 06:21:40PM +0100, Alex de Joode wrote:
: > We mirror ftp.de.debian.org/debian-non-us/
: Please change your mirror settings then. The hostname "nonUS.debian.org" is
: preferred, and the link is /debian-non-US, US in capitals. So, please use
: ftp://nonUS.debian.org/debian-non-US/
: Also, you appear to have mirror settings that cause ftp.replay.com not to
: delete files that have been deleted on the original site. While that may be
: appropriate for some of the sites you are mirroring, it is not preferable
: for Debian, as it can confuse users.

  Alex de Joode | adejoode@REPLAY.COM | http://www.replay.com
	Replay Associates: Your Internet Problem Provider.

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