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Re: Interrupts and serial ports

The parallel port kernel driver doesn't use the interrupt by default, it uses
polling. (It even says so in the boot messages, at least with my kernel.)

dg@bingo.baynet.de wrote:

> On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Dan Hugo wrote:
> > ttyS1 - PalmPilot (or whatever it's called now).
> Cool! I've got a Psion S3a on a ttySx port attached.
> > I'm not necessarily short on interrupts yet, but I figured it would be
> > interesting of the slower items could just share an interrupt.
> Sorry, I've tested it with with my Psion S3a and an old 9600 bps modem.
> Even if the modem has no connection, it does not work. I think, that the
> kernel does not know, which port has data when the shared interupt occurs.
> So I have taken every port to it's own interupt. But my question is: Why
> can I share interupt with parallel ports? I have lp1 and lp3 on the same
> interupt, and printing and the access to my Zip drive works fine!
> Bye
> Daniel Gross
> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - - Daniel Gross                                     <dg@bingo.baynet.de> -
> - - Ingolstadt, Germany                                  <dgross@gmx.net> -
> - - "If Win95 is the answer, it must have been a real foolish question !" -
> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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