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Re: Debian and Windoze 95

Martin Schulze <joey@kuolema.Infodrom.North.DE> writes:

> On Sun, Jan 11, 1998 at 10:08:09PM +0200, Catalin Popescu wrote:
> > A friend of mine has a hard-disk of 1.2Gb with 2 partions: /dev/hda1, 
> > /dev/hda2.
> > 
> > On /dev/hda1 he has Win'95. Is there any problems with booting if I help 
> > him to insatll Debian 1.3.1 on /dev/hda2 and try to boot it with loadlin.
> I'd suggest you use lilo instead of loadlin.

I disagree. Loadlin is perfect in this case. It is very easy to use,
and it cannot damage the system in any way because it doesn't touch
the MBR or the bootsectors. LILO - on the other hand - is more
difficult to set up correctly, and if used incorrectly, LILO can
leave the system in an unbootable state that is difficult to repair. 

Although LILO is - technically - a better solution in the general
case, it should not be applied before reading the LILO user guide and
the HOWTO's concerning dualbooting of Windows and Linux. 

- Sten Anderson

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