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Re: Qmail

On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Joey Hess wrote:

: Nathan E Norman wrote:
: > What is the Right Way to install qmail on a (production) hamm system?
: Install the qmail-src package. It has a build-qmail script that does all the
: work, and generates a qmail.deb.

Hmm, well, that's pretty slick :)  I have two small problems.

1) Ok, this one's not a problem, just a very minor gripe.  When I built
the deb, the script called "debstd", which I found out was in the
"debmake" package.  Was I supposed to have that installed already?  At
any rate, I caught on rather quick.

2) I've got a couple bo systems that need qmail also ... so that means
I've got to make a libc5 qmail package.  However, I don't have any bo
machines available which are suitable for compilation.  So, my options
are to start the build process on one of the bo systems and come back to
it tomorrow, or to find someone with a libc5 package already.  Anyone
have one?

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet - 410 South Phillips Avenue - Sioux Falls, SD  57104
phone: (605) 334-4454 fax: (605) 335-1173
mailto://finn@midco.net   http://www.midco.net
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