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Re: debian ftp crashes redhat

Joey Hess wrote:
> Berni Ernst wrote:
> > A RedHat Linux box (2.0.30)
> > 
> > kernel panic: skpush: under: 001a4bf0:2 in swapper task - not syncing.
> Have you tried a newer kernel? I had my machine crash several times when I
> was using 2.0.30, with this error message. (I upgraded to the 2.1 kernels,
> and the problem went away, it might be fixed in 2.0.33 too.)

I have a client (an ISP in Maine) that keeps getting a skput error,
even on a 2.0.33 kernel. This machien is running a web server (Roxen)
and squid. I wonder if it is a max files problem..


 (work) sailer@bnl.gov / (home) tps@buoy.com - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
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