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Re: Compiling with libc5 under libc6 based system

>>>>> "Linux-Debian" == Linux-Debian Team <cube@mbox.est.it> writes:

    Linux-Debian> I have upgraded my system to libc6 with not much
    Linux-Debian> troubles.  Now, it seems that some programs have to
    Linux-Debian> be compiled under libc5 anyway. Therefore altgcc and
    Linux-Debian> altdev-libc5 have been loaded into the system.  Now
    Linux-Debian> i need some documentation about how to instruct
    Linux-Debian> 'make' to use the alternative environment.  Is there
    Linux-Debian> any on line reference out there?  Thank you for your
    Linux-Debian> suggestions

It's actually quite simple. All you need to do is set your PATH to
have "/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/bin" at the beginning, and then make, gcc,
et all will use the -altdev packages.

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