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Re: All Package install

You really can't do that.  Some packages conflict with others. For
example, you can have smail OR exim OR qmail OR sendmail but not all four.

You are best served (in my experiance) by not selecting ANYTHING the first
time through dselect. Just let it install the basics that it wants to
install (you might unselect some large packages that you are not going to
use if you are installing via FTP like emacs).  Once you have that all
installed, go back and run dselect to select additional packages.

On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, whkye wrote:

> Hi!
> I would like to install all package with debian 1.3.1.
> How can I set in the dselect menu to select all package?
> Thanks In advance
> whkye
> --
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