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-dev's and upgrade to libc6


I already have upgraded large parts of my non-dev packages to libc6, 
which wasn't too much trouble. now I want to upgrade my development stuff 
to libc6. Is the only thing required to just to upgrade all -dev packages 
to their equivalents in hamm? And after that can I just remove -altdev 
packages? (I had to install libdl1-altdev cos some include-files where 
missing else).

What about libraries I have sompiled myself that I still use to link
against? Do I have to recompile those? (had to install some stuff for
research, namely SUIF, if that rings a bell to anybody). 


|     Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL    |
|           Computer Architecture and Digital Technique section             |
|                          M.Boekhold@et.tudelft.nl                         |

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