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bug in new smail?

I upgraded to the new smail, and got the message "unexpected end of attribute 
in /etc/smail/config" when sending messages.  This completely eliminated the 
ability to send or receive messages.  I downgraded to the stable version, 
force-reconfigured, and have things running again.

Has anyone else seen this?  here is the offending config file:

# This is the main Smail configuration file.
# Debian Config Version 2
# It was originally generated by `smailconfig', part of the Smail package
# distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system administrator.
# It was originally generated by smailconfig at Fri Jan  9 10:48:21 CST 1998
# Please modify the above line, if you change this file by hand.
# See smail-config (5) for details of the things that can be configured here.




#          	----------Begin-----------
# in this version new!!
# READ the CHANGES ... and man-pages
# You really should know what you do here!
#disable this feature

#WARNING:  You will have to add a correct local definition for
#        smtp_remote_allow if you have many local networks, or unset it
#        if you wish to disable this feature.
#WARNING:  The current implementation of this feature blocks
#        relay from incoming SMTP to *any* outgoing transport.  This
#        means that even UUCP gateways require explicit permission if
#        this feature is enabled.  It is hoped that finer tuning will be
#        possible in the next beta release. 

# 	This flag tells smail to verify the hostnames given in
#       HELO or EHLO SMTP commands.
#	A colon-separated list of host IP patterns that are
#       allowed to deliver mail even though they have broken
#       DNS or give incorrect or invalid HELO or EHLO SMTP
#       greetings.
# take a look at the man page, esp. smail-config.
# 		----------END-------------

received_field="Received: ${if def:sender_host\
         {from $sender_host${if def:sender_host_addr\
         { (really [$sender_host_addr])}} }\
          else {${if def:sender_host_addr\
          {from [$sender_host_addr] }}}}\
         by $visible_name\n\t\
         ${if def:sender_program\
          {via $sender_program }}\
         ${if def:sender_proto\
          {with $sender_proto}\
          else {with stdio}}\
         ${if def:ident_sender\
          { (ident $ident_sender using $ident_method)}}\n\t\
         id <$message_id@$primary_name> (Debian Smail$version)\n\t\
         ${if def:input_addr\
          {for ${top:input_addr}}\
          else {for <unknown>}}\
         ; $spool_date

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