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Re: XFree86 setup problems

The XF86Setup utility only comes with the xserver-vga16 package. The VGA16 
server in the xserver-vga16 package should work with any video card, so that 
is why the X based configuration utility comes only with it. Since I want to 
use higher resolutions and more colors than plain VGA can offer, I use the 
SVGA server from the xserver-svga package with my Matrox card.

If you want to try XF86Setup, install both xserver-vga16 and xserver-S3v.
The S3v server will be your main X server and the VGA16 server will be
used when configuring the main X server.

Here is a small snippet from the XF86Setup manual page:

       XF86Setup is normally used to either perform  the  initial
       setup  of  the XFree86 X servers or to make adjustments to
       the existing configuration.

       When used to initially configure the XFree86  servers,  it
       will  start the VGA 16 server and then allow configuration
       settings to be entered.  Once that is completed the appro­
       priate  server  for  the  hardware will be started and the
       configuration settings will be saved.

Gregory Guthrie <guthrie@mum.edu>

> Thanks,
> I installed the xserver-S3v server, since that is the chipset that my (S3
> Virge) graphics card has; does it also have these features?
> Greg
> ------------------------
> At 09:48 PM 1/8/98 +0200, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >If you have not already installed xserver-vga16 package, please do so. With 
> >the xserver-vga16 package comes a utility named XF86Setup which will make 
> >configuring X much more easier. You probably do not want to use the VGA16 
> >server so answer 'no' when the installation script asks you if you want to 
> >use VGA16 as your default server.
> >
> >The XF86Setup program also lets you to configure your mouse.
> >

Heikki Vatiainen                  * hessu@cs.tut.fi
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

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