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Re: lp/ppa configuration; how to set to use printer?

On Thu, Jan 08, 1998 at 01:26:17PM -0600, Gregory Guthrie wrote:
> I have a Zip drive on lp0, and at boot time it is recognized (een if no
> disk inserted), and then I cannot use lp0 to print.
> The lsmod reports ls module loaded, no ppa module reported.
> How can I disable ppa, and print?

You need to recompile the kernel, with module support for the Zip.  You'll
find it in the SCSI section.  Alternatively, there is a kernel patch that 
will allow you to use the pass-thru feature.  Info can be found at

  Mike Schmitz     mschmitz@bend-or.com    http://www.bend-or.com/~mschmitz   
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