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RE: Debian and Setups

I want to thank everyone who responded to my questions both on the list
and in e-mail.
After I recived a response or two, I decided to give it a try.
I dropped into messydos and FDISK /MBR and then fdisked my redhat system

to a nice clean one (without ther Dynamic Disk Overlay that wouldn't
boot Non-MessyDOS OSs)
then I installed debian through FTP...this was only a test install so I
did include some things that I wouldn't otherwise (to play around...this
isn't my serious system I plan to build up slow)
I must say...
I am now a definite fan of debian.
I have seen the light. I almost wish that and a half ago when I first
played with linux..I had installed debian from that Infomagic set rather
than redhat 4.1
Debian is soo nice...
I like ae (anthony's editor) alot a simple editor (emacs is still my
favorite for
source but...when emacs isn't available...ae is better than vi (im not
trying to start an argument...just think vi i hard to learn to use...esp
when you are
using it in an emergency and don't have man pages at your immediate
and debian is so clean....RedHat is all hacked up to hell...can't make
heads or tails of things
because all of the files are made to be maintained by graphical software

hell evenm /etc/fstab in redhat has the comment
"So not edit this file. Use the graphical tool"
debian also seems alot faster than RedHat...but...it doesn't have all
sorts of extras running now
I can't wait to get the CD from cheapbytes and start using it at home :)

as for becomming a developer...in time I definitly hope too :)
im working on my C...and my knowledge of Linux...
now all I hafta do is get the CD and work towards becomming 100%
(excpet at work where I still need it)
does debian have a logo?
(ive always liked RedHat's logo :) )
seeing as I work at the largest WinNT domain in the counbtry....id like
to put a BIG logo
on my cubicle :)

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