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Re: KDE rough edges

KDE Beta2, which I've compiled and been using on my bo systems has been
quite stable, with none of the problems you've mentioned (there was a
problem with the SuperUser filemanager option because kfm wasn't in the
PATH after the su, but a symlink to /usr/bin fixed that).

However, I did have a variety of problems using Beta1 on accelx (haven't
tried Beta2 w/ it).  If you're using accelx, you should try XFree86.
Also, you should send bug reports to bugs@kde.org.  The developers who
respond to that address are quite friendly.  


>Whenever I start KFM the file manager, it seems to insist on having an
>attached terminal. 
>When I start up the panel, and try and change the desktop settings I get
>an X error (bad request, trying to access private resources).  And the
>window in question dies, the same thing happens when I try to start KFM
>from the panel menu, I get an echo in a window (KFM CRASH). 
>  Since these issues weren't mentioned in the BUG list with KDE, I was
>wondering if others running KDE have the same problems?

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