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Re: Graphics Board URGENT

On Wed, Jan 07, 1998 at 03:37:28PM +0100, Nico De Ranter wrote:
> Howdy,
> quick question:
>   my supplier offers me the following boards:
>       S3 TRIO PCI

I use S3 Trio 64 with 2 MB memory on my home computer with XF86_S3 and have no
problems at all.

>       S3 VIRGE PCI

Probabaly it should work ok too, but I know a man who has some troubles with
S3 Virge under Debian.

>       Mystique

Mystique 220 is not good for X :)

>       Millenium 2MB
>       Millenium 4MB

It's probably good cards, but I guess that the price is too high.

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