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XFree and the dead keys


    don't know if this has been asked before:

    How do I set up my XF86Config-File in way that the german keyboard
    produces a "plus asterisk asciitilde" instead of "plus asterisk
    deadtilde" ?

    The following does not work:

      Section "Keyboard"
         Protocol        "Standard"
         XkbRules        "xfree86"
         XkbModel        "pc102"
         XkbLayout       "de"

    Setting XkbLayout to "de(nodeadkeys)" doesn't change anything.

         Thanks for hints -- Peter

Peter Weiss, Sonnenstraße 17, D-26123 Oldenburg, Tel:  0441/ 81058
---    The foolish ones taught more to me than the wise ones ever could    ---

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