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Re: Is this really the right thing to do?

Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> Previously Mitch Blevins wrote:
> > One problem with auto-deinstallation of support packages is that
> > you may have other packages that also use the same support package.
> > You would have to grep the dependency database to  ensure you
> > weren't removing a library/package that was used elsewhere.
> > Even then, you may have programs in /usr/local that are not tracked
> > by dpkg and need one of those libraries.
> Go to http://www.debian.org/~wakkerma/, grab the latest apt-design
> text from there and read section 5.2 . I think that covers what
> you are looking for. If not I'ld like to know what you want to
> see different and why.
> Wichert.

	You know, you Debian guys are FANTASTIC.  Yes, that section describes
*exactly* what I was talking most about.

	My concern over the explosion of deb packages (like X coming in more
than a dozen packages or so, with no common prefix in the names), will
be less relevant when this section is coded into apt.
	The X example demonstrates a more general problem that may be a largly
policy issue.  Should programs that come in multiple deb packages, at
least use a common prefix so people can realize they are part of a
distinct group?  Or should apt be given a notion of deb package 'groups'
(as mention in my original post)?  I'm not sure, maybe a common prefix
is enough.

Ed C.

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