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1743K rescue disk from slink.


I sent this to the boot-floppies maintainer, but thought I might also
get a response here.

I'm trying to install slink from scratch on a machine here but rawrite
rawrite2 will not write the resc1743.bin disk image (Controller Failure,
they say).
I tried to make the disk on another machine with

    superformat /dev/fd0u1743
    dd if=/tmp/resc1743.bin of=/dev/fd0u1743 conv=sync

and it works fine until the very end, where it says

    end_request: I/O error, dev 02:4c (floppy), sector 3402
    dd: /dev/fd0u1743: Input/output error
    3403+0 records in
    3402+0 records out

Attempting to boot the target system with the disk fails with

    SYSLINUX 1.40-2.1 (Debian, 1997-07-10) Boot failed

What can I do, anything?


| Charles R. (C. R.) Oldham     | NCA Commission on Schools        |
| cro@nca.asu.edu               | Arizona St. Univ., PO Box 873011,|
| V:602/965-8700 F:602/965-9423 | Tempe, AZ 85287-3011           _ |
| "I like it!"--Citizen G'Kar   | #include <disclaimer.h>       X_>|

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