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Summary: upgrading bo->hamm with Linuxpress official CD:s

I purchased the Official 2.0 disks from Linuxpress. Here are my
experiences upgrading. Unfortunately, it was less than simple... I
hope this helps others in my situation.
First, the disks were in a strange(?) mixed Rock Ridge/joliet format. You
have to mount them with the 'nojoliet' option, like so:
# mount -t iso9660 -o nojoliet /dev/<cd-rom> /<mountpoint>
I don't know if this has to do with me having patched the kernel with
VFAT support: a Red Hat user with kernel 2.0.35 had no problems.
Next, the script cd_autoup.sh in the /<mountpoint>/upgrade directory
wasn't an executable. Whether this had to do with VFAT, I don't know,
as my attempts to compile a new kernel resulted in an unbootable
system. Luckily, I had the previous kernel on diskette... but that's
another story. (Which is now history -- tip: check that you really have
checked everything you need in make xconfig :-))
However, I tried running
[/<mountpoint>/upgrade]# source cd_autoup.sh
which didn't work: it complained that the file
"libs/libstdc++2.8_*.deb" couldn't be found. I guessed that this file
wasn't really neccesary(sp?), as it didn't occur in the autoup.sh script
found on the net (through Debians website). So I ran that instead,
after fixing a stupid typo made when studying it...
After that, everything went fine. Still some wrinkles left, but I'll
try finding the answers in the Archives first.
Thanks to everyone helping me out!
P.S. Is it just me, or is the Glimpse search engine for the list Archives
seriously bad? I can't seem to find anything interesting...

Gustaf Erikson -- 59*21'N 18*05'E -- email: gustafe@home.se
"I use pen and paper -- like a Christian."
     -- Patrick O'Brian, on his choice of word processor.

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