Re: changing default window manager - How!
> I am using Debian2.0 and the default window manager that comes up is
> fvwm. I would like to change this permanently to olvwm. Which file
> should I edit ?
become root and edit /etc/X11/window-managers. xinitrc goes through the
entries from top to bottom, using the first one avialable, so you want
to place your favourite windowmanager at the top of the list.
> Also, how I can I change my shell permanently from bash to csh..
Become root and edit /etc/passwd. Use the "vipw" command!!
Find the line with your user-id at the beginning (should be at the very
bottom of the file) and change the last but one field, the one that says
/bin/csh to something you like (e.g. /bin/bash). (The path could be /usr/bin/..
in both cases, chech with "which bash" first).
Now log out as user and log in again. Viola - here' your new shell.
So long,
Stephan Engelke
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