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Re: how do I extract a 2.6 gigabyte .tar.gz file ?

Darxus <darxus@Op.Net> writes:
| On Thu, 29 Oct 1998, Laurent PICOULEAU wrote:
| > I think that dd will have no problem to truncate you file : 
| > dd if=tarfile of=just_a_try bs=1k count=2000000 would give you a file
| > named just_a_try containing the beginning of your tarfile but limited
| > to a size of slightly less than 2GB. Just ajust the count value if you
| > don't have enough space. With the skip parameter you'll be able to get
| > the end of your file too.
| > 
| > I've tried that with small file and it works and dd is able to cope with
| > partition of any size I think, so : it should work.
| Nope, doesn't work.  Apparently even dd goes through the vfs layer.

It goes through the vfs layer, when you give it a file that's sitting
on the vfs layer, e.g., dd if=/usr/tmp/somefile.tgz. If you gave it a
raw device then it would act accordingly. Unfortunately I have no idea 
how to find out where your file is actually sitting on the raw disk
device and if you knew that whether or not you could use dd to get at


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