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Re: More than one question....

On Mon, 26 Oct 1998, Vincent Rosso wrote:

> Yep, I still have more questions. Ugh. But, things are shapping up at
> least.
> 1.  Netscape Messenger takes a /very/ long time to load. Navigator loads

No idea about this one. Don't use messenger? 

> 2.  I have 32 megs of RAM, but when I call free, it says that I have 30.
> Where'd my last two go???  Actually, why don't I just show you:
>                         total       used       free     shared
> buffers     cached
> Mem:         30264      29080       1184      17572        172
> 12296
> -/+ buffers/cache:      16612      13652
> Swap:        64256      12952      51304
> Also, should the system be taking up so much? Right after I reboot, it's
> already taking up almost all of the real RAM.  I'm going to upgrade
> anyway, but I was wondering if this was normal?

Right, I'm going out on a limb here and I really don't know what I'm
talking about, so keep that in mind. But:

I believe Linux caches a lot of things into memory (including disk
read/writes). This improves system performance. Once you load other
programs up, Linux relinquishes it's cache to make room for them. 

Incidentally, this cacheing behaviour is why you should always umount a
removeable disk before removing it (unless you use mtools) because the
system may still have a lot of stuff you've "written" to it in memory
cache and hasn't got around to putting it on the physical medium yet. 

I have 32 Mb memory and 32 of swap, and I've just had my first "out of
memory" error. I was running Netscape, Xemacs, and The Gimp (all of which
had multiple windows open) and I tried to compile a Java program. Buy more
by all means, but 32 Mb is more than adequate to run linux plus tons of

Andrew Tarr

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate"

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