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CDROM module and make-kpkg again

Dear Debs,

Let me repeat my question about the cdrom.o file which should go into

When I boot with the standard Debian 2.0.34 kernel, I get the message 
which is correct (I have a Teac CD-44E, swappable with a floppy drive in
a Thinkpad 760) and everything works with it.

I have  recompiled the kernel2.0.34 from the CD's source file and,
later, a 2.0.35 patched wpre36-13 (from /usr/local/src/linux).

According to the docs, it is sufficient to select (with Yes) the kernel 
compilation options
to have support for an IDE/ATAPI CDROM drive.
I did it with menuconfig.
Then I made 
make-kpkg --revision=custom.x.y kernel_image
dpkg -i ../kernel_image....deb

After reooting, I get the message
"can't find cdrom module": indeed, 
there is no file.o in /lib/modules/2.0.3x/cdrom, not even cdrom.o (the
module that runs when I boot with the Debian kernel).
How does one get cdrom.o in /lib/modules...?
Is it necessary to select at least one type of module for compilation in
order to have the generic module cdrom.o? The documentaiton says NO.
Has anyone had the same problem?

Thank you.
| Dr. Remo Badii             | Paul Scherrer Institute   |
| Nonlinear Dynamics and     | 5232 Villigen PSI         |
| Stochastic Processes Group | Switzerland               |
| badii "at" psi.ch          | http://www1.psi.ch/~badii |

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