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possible bug: fdutils doesn't install driveprm file

Looks like the fdutils package in hamm doesn't install the /etc/driveprm
file. Here is the relevant part of the postinst file:

if [ -e "/etc/fdprm" ]; then
    echo " Fdutils-5.0 introduced two new configuration files:
/etc/mediaprm and"
    echo " /etc/driveprm.  They replace the old /etc/fdprm."
    echo " Renaming old file /etc/fdprm to /etc/fdprm.obsolete ..."
    mv -f /etc/fdprm /etc/fdprm.obsolete

There is no trace of the driveprm file in the package, nor a mention
on how to create it.

I've tried to copy the old fdprm file in place and it seems to work.



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:p.caci@flashnet.it - http://gusp.infogroup.it
       ik5pvx        |         http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/8999
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
     Linux penny 2.1.125 #1 Fri Oct 16 23:18:57 CEST 1998 i586 unknown

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