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RE: Assigning IP addresses

Use dhcpcd on the bunch that get their ip-addr's and use dhcpd
on the one that acts as the server.  dhcp can be used to assign
fixed ip addresses for based on the hardware ether net addresses.
It is a bit of a pain to set up that way but it works just fine.

I seem to recall some examples in the package.

From: 	Vincent Murphy[SMTP:murphyv@wisdom.ucc.ie]
Sent: 	Friday, October 09, 1998 4:14 AM
To: 	debian-user@lists.debian.org
Cc: 	The recipient's address is unknown.
Subject: 	Assigning IP addresses

I want to have a bunch of Debian Hamm machines get their IP addresses at
boot time based on their ethernet address. These IP addresses are permanent
for every machine i.e. each machine will be assigned the same IP address
every time it boots. I would like to use another Debian Hamm machine to
allocate these IP addresses. How can I do this?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Vincent Murphy

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