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Re: HTML form to email

Jay Barbee wrote:

> Is there a package out there that will take a HTML form to be filled out
> via the web and when it is submitted, it will be bundled into an email and
> sent?


Try picking up a CGI book on the subject. It is a basic excersise.

A good place to start is with the cgi.pl or cgi.lib libraries for whatever flavor your
trying to write CGI for this in.

Another good idea is to look at the CGI.pm libraries for Perl along with the SMTP.pm
modules.  Using those tools it is a fairly trivial matter to slurp in the fields from
your form and spit them out in whatever format you want via SMTP.

Peter L. Berghold -- Unix Curmudgeon at Large
peter@berghold.net     http://www.berghold.net

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