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debian as secretary?


Im getting some work to do from university. I have my works in my pc
with latex or others. 
Now, i hate floppies, they allwais crash with the information inside....
I want to access my pc from univerisy. Of course i can, i have done it.
But I can only if my pc is connected to internet (obvious). I just
cannot getup on 8:00am, turn pc on, connet go to univ. and then back at
5:00 becouse the phone-line must be paid..$$.. I would like to call my

244334565: ring ring
pc: ``hi Phillip is not here but you can leave a message. If you want to
connect me to internet after you hang up press 1.''
phillip: #1 [beep]
Phillip: hang up
--phillip go to the univ. computers that are with win95 (jiaaaak) and
ftp to his pc so he can print works at univ.

(i have not a printer at home)
I could enter at univ. system from home and througt the work to printer,
so when i go there it would be printed, but thats not the idea...

Exist a software that can do that?? or should i start with

                        /                             /
                       /      Phillip  Neumann       /
                      /     filsin@bigfoot.com      /

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