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Re: How to start PPP?

At 10:03 AM 9/17/1998 -0700, you wrote:
>I've been reading the thread so it seems that you were trying this as
>root (ie, no file permissions problems).  What speed did you set the
>serial port to in chatscript?  Mine is 115200 (to a 28.8 modem
>external).  What modem? (internal/external, brand?). Does anything at
>all happen on the modem (if external do any lights change?)  If you
>had X up you could monitor this in the xconsole (there MUST be a way
>to pipe the same info to another virtual terminal!)   A few issues ago
>(within the last 6 mo anyway) SCC in their linux magazine (linux
>journal?) had an article on ppp, showing how to monitor what is going
>on.  Maybe that would help.  I have the issue at home, I can get back
>to you with the issue no if you want.  

Kenneth Sharf is a genius!

I changed the speed in /etc/ppp/peers/provider from 115000 to 14400. Now
the modem is dialing out. I still can't ping anything, but I figure that's
another issue. 

Thanks, Kenneth!

PS. FYI, it's a Technology Concepts, Inc modem, external model LineLink
144e. I won't stay with this modem, but it's all I've got handy at the moment.
Kent West			| Technology Support/                 		|
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