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Help AOL is silently rejecting my mail!

It seems that AOL is silently rejecting my emails that I send to users
of the service. My setup is hamm with exim sending over a dial-up
dynamic address to smarthost via smtp. I have header rewrite rules set
to change the outgoing headers to correspond to that of the smarthost
but I think I am missing something. I would guess AOL is rejecting it
like spam that has bogus headers.  My local machine name is
brian.servis.snet which of course is a fake name.  I have noticed in
mails to this list that the Message-ID header is not being
re-written(is it supposed to?), i.e. it still shows something like 
Message-ID: <[🔎] E0zHYWF-0006Ek-00@brian.servis.snet>

My rewrite section of exim.conf is

*@brian.servis.snet $1@purdue.edu Ffsr
*@brian $1@purdue.edu Ffsr

The above gives:

% exim -brw servis@brian.servis.snet
  sender: servis@purdue.edu
    from: servis@purdue.edu
      to: servis@brian.servis.snet
      cc: servis@brian.servis.snet
     bcc: servis@brian.servis.snet
reply-to: servis@purdue.edu
env-from: servis@purdue.edu
  env-to: servis@brian.servis.snet

I didn't select to rewrite all headers because I want the inbound
headers to reflect the local machine name.

I can send my exim.conf if that is needed. I set it up using eximconfig
and selecting option 2.


"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
							   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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