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Re: sendmail rejecting bad domains

Hello Gene:

I had the same problem. If you are using smail, in the /etc/smail/config
you can adjust the authentication for a specific IP addresses or subnets.
Thus your server receive e-mail from the location in question.

The line in question is smtp_hello_broken_allow


-----Original Message-----
From: Gene McCulley <mcculley@cuspy.com>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Thursday, September 10, 1998 10:12 AM
Subject: sendmail rejecting bad domains

>I have someone trying to send me email from a machine that is behind a
>firewall.  The firewall relays the mail through, but leaves the
>sender's machine name on the message.  The sender's machine is not in
>the DNS, so sendmail rejects it with "501 Sender domain must exist".
>The sender can't fix his corporation's broken firewall.  How do I get
>sendmail to allow this message through?  I care less about spam than I
>do lost email.
>Thanks for any clues.
>|     Gene McCulley     |      mcculley@cuspy.com     | Voice: (407)
265-0772 |
>| Cuspy Solutions, Inc. | http://cuspy.com/~mcculley/ |  Fax: (407)
265-0773  |
>|       Your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries!
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