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[pppd] error: link not 8-bit clean

I installed Hamm on a machine at home. The installation went perfectly. 
I next tried configuring a dial up connection to get into my ISP (Netcom
- http://www.netcom.com/).

Here is the story of my experiments with pppd and associated
applications -

1. I first tried dunc to create a new connection.  I created two
profile.  One with PAP authentication and the other with chat.  When I
tried to connect to Netcom, both of the profiles failed.  I,
unfortunately, don't remember the error message.

2. I now tried pppconfig.  Again created two profiles.  PAP and chat. 
Both fail.  syslog says that the dialin is working fine (as far as I can
see).  During the LCP phase the connection is disconnected after an
error message is printed (something along the lines of "receiving link
is not 8-bit clean").  There is some info about this error message in
/usr/doc/ppp/FAQ  I could not make sense of it.

3. I read the man pages for pppd and chat and hacked a couple of scripts
and tried them out.  Same problem as '2'.

4. I tried kppp.  In kppp's case the dialer calls the ISP first.  pppd
is started only after the dial-in phase has completed.  Shouldn't pppd
actually start first and invoke chat to make the connection?  When pppd
kicks in it tries to talk to the modem.  It fails because it is unable
to detect CARRIER.

4. I installed xisp from unstable along with libforms0.88  I like the
interface.  When I say 'Connect' pppd starts fine.  Then chat tries to
dial out but fails without any message.

My setup - hamm (CheapBytes CD).  /dev/ttyS2 is a Zoom K56 modem.  I try
ATZ, ATDT<number>.

And now for the questions -

* Does someone have a working bunch of scripts for connecting to
Netcom?  I'd really appreciate it if you could give them to.

* Does Netcom use PAP / CHAP?

* I also want the ability to dial into work.  Dial into work uses
SecureID.  Are there any dial-up scripts that make using SecureID
easier.  I did take a look at /usr/doc/ppp/examples/secure-card  but
could not get it work.

 "I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to speed around a city,
keeping its speed over 50, and if its speed changed, it would explode!
     I think it was called, 'The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down.'"
                       -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n   http://people.netscape.com/thaths/   Indentured Slave

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