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Re: Linux security

At 11:22 PM 8/18/1998 +0000, you wrote:
>On 08/18/98 at 11:13 PM, detre@cns02374.CNS.CWRU.Edu said:
>On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, George R wrote:
>>> I know you are talking about NT vs Linux; but does anyone know how well
>>> Win95 password protection works?  It doesn't the morons made the default
>>> configuration one where all the invader has to do is hit the ESC key to
>>> by pass the login.  What is the _first_ thing some lacking in skill
>>> vandal would do upon seeing a login screen?  "I can't get in here. 
>>> Better get rid of the evidence" as he hits the ESC key.
>>> Any company that makes that configuration the default isn't capable of
>>> making a secure OS.  It is beyond there mental ability.  BTW, this is
>>> still the default for Win95 OSR2.  Even better, there is no obvious way
>>> to change the default and the change takes some involved steps.
>>> George
>>In my experiance the only thing that happens when you press escape at
>>the login screen is some machines on the network won't be
>I haven't tried it on a networked Win95 box.  That is a real scarry
>result, bypass MS non-security and get limited network access.  I
>_really_ don't want to depend on security in a MS OS now.
>Why bother with "security" like this?

Here on our university campus we tried putting a bunch of Win95 boxes in
our several labs. It didn't take long to discover that that was not going
to work. So the following year we converted to NT WS. I'm not really part
of that side of things, so I'm not sure how things are working now, but as
soon as I get more literate in Linux, I'll be pushing wherever I can to get
away from the MS mentality.
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