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Re: runaway man processes and cron emails

> Dear all,
> 	when I leave pick for a while (which is often necessary, given
> it's still in cambridge), the load gradually increases, due to processes
> like:
> 24227 man       17  10   624  624   484 R N     0 93.3  4.4  2975m sh
> They only start after I've read a man page (I think), and I also start
> getting email like:
> Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 16:23:00 +0100 (BST)
> From: Cron Daemon <root@cam.ac.uk>
> To: mail@cam.ac.uk
> Subject: Cron <mail@pick> runq
> shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
> directories

I don't know about the man problem, but this error message is what you
get if you su <some user> in a directory where <some user> has no access


 E.L. Meijer (tgakem@chem.tue.nl)          | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology             | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax    +31 40 2455054

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