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Re: KDE configuration

I once ran Windowmaker+GNOME as default, then I switched to KDE, but
lately KDE's been uninstalled on my machine and I'm using Windowmaker
again but this time without GNOME (which reminds me maybe it's about
time I grabbed .25 ;)  Anyways, IIRC KDE made dotfile directories for
each user's customizations in their respective home directories when I
installed it and I never encountered any permissions problems. Data that
could be shared between users was put in /usr/share/... (like
/usr/share/wallpaper/, a good idea). Also, I never had to add any export
statements or edit any config files by hand with KDE. You can do
everything from within it with a nice GUI.

When you installed KDE, did you grab the *.debs from their site? If you
didn't, but grabbed the tarball instead than this could explain your
woes. If you do grab the debs, be sure to get the *-dev packages to
because I heard some necessary run-time pixmaps are
mistakingly/non-intuitively packaged there.

Azog wrote:
> Hello. I've recently switched from WindowMaker to KDE. I never run X from
> root, its always run from user azog. How can I get kde to read config files
> from ~/.kde (like it should... with $KDEDIR) instead of all the separate
> dirs like how its setup? azog has no write perms on /etc/kde, which makes it
> kinda hard to customize ;> And yes, I did 'export KDEDIR='/home/azog/.kde'
> (zsh). Any Help is appreciated.
> --
> -Josh
> Co-Admin of California.ZUH.net (Azog)
> ..and always remember..."arf is god spelled funny."
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>      PS+++ PE-- Y+ PGP+ t 5 X+ R tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G+ e->++++ h! r++ y-
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
> --
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