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Re: Apache Logs Rotations and related questions

>>>>> "PE" == Pure Energy <adren@mail.provision.net> writes:

  PE> I'm still running the older Apache/1.1.3 Debian/GNU web server.
  PE> I run a number of Virtually Hosted sites with it and was
  PE> wondering if it's posible for each virtual site to have
  PE> different log rotation times. Some sites would like to have logs
  PE> rotated once a day (normal) but others once a week. Has anyone
  PE> done this already?

If you use VirtualHosts you can have separate log files per
virtualhost. Say you put these in separate directories


You could then install a program called logrotate, and customize
/etc/logrotate.conf to rotate different files with different
frequencies (after disabling the current apache log rotation mechanism
in /etc/cron.daily/apache).
  PE> While I'm posting I saw someone ask this once before but never
  PE> found a reply. Can apache log it access and error logs to 2
  PE> files?

I don't know exactly what you mean here; the access_log and error_log
are already separate files. If you mean two versions of each file (why
are you wanting that?), Apache allows you to log to a pipe (ie pipe
the log stream to a program of your choice), so you can do whatever
you want. 

Eric Marsden
emarsden @ mail.dotcom.fr
It's elephants all the way down

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