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I installed the package boot-floppies so I would be able to create the
boot floppies to have as backup.  I cannot find the scripts that this
package installed though.  Does anyone know where they are?  And, as a
related question, does anyone know how to tell what debian packages
install which files after they've been installed (via dslect or something
like that) and the .deb file has been deleted?


| ratirh@lore.cs.purdue.edu : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic      1997-98 |
| Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh (Careful it's not completed)   |
| "The past brings pain, the future depression,                           |
|  the present disappointment.  The only thing that remains is the moment.|
|  Live for the moment, and enjoy life.  You only have one chance. "      |

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