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Re: Stupid unix

*-Jack A Walker (23 Jul)
| Please excuse this lame non Debian specific question.  Is there a simple
| way to change all filenames in a directory so they are lowercase?  I would
| like to change all the *.cpp and *.h files in a project directory to be
| lowercase letters only.  I know this seems like a lame task but it would
| simplify working on some of my source at home on Linux.  I use Windoesn't
| 4.0 at work which retains name case but doesn't use it.

Among the other suggestions that you have received you could also
install the mmv package.  Great for mass renames, converstions, etc.

>From the man page:

       Mmv  moves  (or  copies,  appends, or links, as specified)
       each source file matching a from  pattern  to  the  target
       name specified by the to pattern.  This multiple action is
       performed safely, i.e. without any unexpected deletion  of
       files  due  to  collisions  of  target names with existing
       filenames or with other target names.  Furthermore, before
       doing  anything,  mmv  attempts  to detect any errors that
       would result from the entire set of actions specified  and
       gives the user the choice of either proceeding by avoiding
       the offending parts or aborting.


Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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