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Re: Debian 1.3 & libc6

In article <[🔎] m0yzAfv-000EeFC@carlf.dialup.access.net>,
Carl Fink <carlf@dm.net> wrote:
>In article <[🔎] 35B66DC1.66EAD2ED@livenet.net>, Shaleh wrote:
>>We have done all the work needed to support libc6 for you.  Please do
>This stuff always seems odd to me.  Has autoup stopped killing
>people's systems?

Yup, I've upgraded lots of systems with autoup - all production servers,
in a remote location, _while running_

>Is Apt in stable?

Good question.

>Some folks want to use Debian, not develop it.  Those  people (say,
>me) prefer to use only stuff in stable, because our goal is to *avoid*
>buggy software, not improve it.
>I do some beta testing, but I like to do it on purpose and only on
>packages I *know* I'm beta testing.

Debian 2.0 _is_ stable (and it will be officially so in just a few hours).

 Miquel van Smoorenburg | Our vision is to speed up time,
    miquels@cistron.nl  |   eventually eliminating it.

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