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Re: [Debian] iso9660 in 2.0.34 ?

> Hi,
> 	Hmm. I think I shall put a note at the bottom of the man page
>  pointing to the /usr/doc/kernel-package area. I have gotten too used
>  to looking at /usr/doc, apparently. I have tried to put a fairly
>  complete tutorial about kernel compilation in
>  /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz 
> 	Maybe I should create HTML docs and send it to the www.debian
>  web master.

What about putting a Readme.debian in the /usr/src/linux dir of the
debian kernel-source package, in which you tell people about compiling
kernels the debian way?  I think that would be really helpful to new
debian users.  It seems that the questions that need the answer `use
make-kpkg' are among the most frequently asked on this list.


 E.L. Meijer (tgakem@chem.tue.nl)          | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology             | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax    +31 40 2455054

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