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Re: the time

*-David Parmet (13 Jul)
| dumb newbie question....
| I got everything up and running (still working on X but that's another
| story) but when i ask for date it gives me May 25th.  
| How do i change the date and time?

%man date

DATE(1)                                                   DATE(1)

       date - print or set the system date and time

       date  [-u]  [-d  datestr]  [-f datefile] [-R] [-s datestr]
       [--utc] [--universal]  [--date=datestr]  [--file=datefile]
       [--rfc-822] [--set=datestr] [--help] [--version] [+FORMAT]


       If  given  an  argument that does not start with `+', date
       sets the system clock to the time and  date  specified  by
       that argument.  The argument must consist entirely of dig­
       its, which have the following meaning:

       MM     month

       DD     day within month

       hh     hour

       mm     minute

       CC     first two digits of year (optional)

       YY     last two digits of year (optional)

       ss     second (optional)

       Only the superuser can set the system clock.


Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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