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RE: Debian 2.0. Bind 8 works but causes dials for local domain names

"Steve Ball" <steve@sball.demon.co.uk> writes:
>Can anyone help me to stop this unnecessary Internet traffic?, and the 
>unwanted dials.

    If you want to send me TCPdumps of the hex in the packets, I can break
    them down to see exactly what is going out.
>2.1.10.in-addr.arpa. IN NS gate.
>@  IN NS localhost.

    I'd suspect this is your problem.  Your authoritive for the 'local.'
    domain, but the NS record for your localhost and rev domains are 
    outside your zone.  So answers in those domains will cause the NS
    record to be in the authority info, and the gate. IP address [for
    example] to be placed in the additional info.

    Since your not authoritive for 'gate.', it has to go to the root
    servers for the request.

    You, in other words, want gate.local. to be the NS record [and
    you probably want your localhost NS record to point to your server,
    not actually 'localhost', unless you add a localhost. zoen that
    your primary for along with the 127.0.0 zone.


|     Jeff Schreiber       | Invincibility is in oneself, vulnerability   |
|     aka - "Spectre"      | is in the opponent.  Therefore skillful      |
| schreiber@mx.process.com | warriors are able to be invincible, but they |
|                          | cannot cause opponents to be vulnerable.     |
|                          |     (Sun Tsu - _The Art of War_)             |

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