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Re: Here is a procmail filter for the Repeated Messages

On Fri, Jul 10, 1998 at 12:27:27AM -0500, Mike Merten wrote:
> One more, then I'll shut up for a while...
> Is there a way to get Mutt to search message headers instead of
> just the msg body (so I can batch delete stuff like this) ?
> Mike

I just used the original send date.
D - Capital d gives a prompt - Delete messages matching:
and I gave it:  ~d -07/07/98
to delete messages older than 08/07/98.

~h PATTERN      messages which contain PATTERN in the message header
might do more what you're asking. The mutt manual, under Advanced Usage,
gives much more specific rules

  Mike Schmitz     mschmitz@bend-or.com    http://www.bend-or.com/~mschmitz   
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