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Re: Check Required & Relative Packages for New Packages

I'm going to suggest that in the future you post your messages in plain
text -- most of us here don't read mail in netscape,  and so the html can
be a bit confusing ....

> If I add a new packages to my Hamm system,
> How can I checked whcih packages are the
> relative packages (If Required) that I needed to=20
> add to my systems too.
You mean,  how do you tell what other packages you need to install to make
the ones you want to install work?  Well,  if you install a package A that
depends on package B and you don't have B installed,  dpkg will complain
with something like
"A depends on B;  B is not installed.  Not configuring A".

If you use dselect to do the upgrade (or the new apt interface,  when it's
available soon),  it'll warn you before it actually installs anything,
and offer to install the needed packages in addition to the ones you want.


|             harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org           |
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