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GIMP seems to have hung SCSI bus??

Ok, here's a weird one:  I started GIMP today, and while it was trying to
load a plug-in, my Zip started spinning non-stop.  I did a ps alx to see
if I could find the process causing it, and there didn't seem to be one.
So I unplugged my Zip, plugged it back in, then tried to mount it, and it
wouldn't. I have done this before, even removing my Zip to take it to
work, and it mounted just fine after reconnecting, but not this time.  I
did another ps alx and saw the mount /zip command, so I tried to kill it
and couldn't (it's still there).  So I tried to mount my /syjet which is
on the same scsi chain, and couldn't do that either.  Now I have both
mount /zip and mount /syjet hanging as processes that can't seem to be
killed.  I tried -2 -3 -6 and -9, and even killall -9 mount, and nothing
would kill those two processes.

I could just reboot, but I shouldn't have to, should I?  Besides:

$ uptime
 11:53pm  up 13 days,  1:22,  6 users,  load average: 2.00, 1.83, 1.12

...I don't really want to stop now. :)

Any help you can give would be *much* appreciated.

Oh, yeah, FWIW, the plugin was whiptail (I think).


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