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Re: netscape 4 configuration

Brian Morgan wrote:
> I've installed netscape 4 from dselect, but when I try to configure it
> (also in dselect), I get the following error messages:
> The netscape archive must be in /tmp, owned by root, and under a name
> matching one of the following:
> communicator-v4*.x86-*-linux*.tar*
> navigator-vr*.x86-*-linux*.tar*
> Am I doing this right, or is there another place where I need to setup
> netscape?
> Also, is there an easy way to configure XWindows so that programs you
	Its the X Window System, no plural (too confusing with that Other Operating

> setup in the .xinitrc file are run "minimized" or placed in a certain
> location of the screen?  Is this in the X man page?
> Brian Morgan

	Most X progs, support a command-line option of '-geometry NNNxNNN+N+N' to
control where a program shows up on the screen.  This is in the X man page,
IIRC.  There is another option called '-iconic', that if supported will
cause a prog to start up as an icon instead of full screen.  The program has
to support these options.  Again, see 'man X'.


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