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Re: WindowMaker | Menu? - Xterms

timothy@smasher.rs.itd.umich.edu writes:

> Anyone know how to get something like,
> "xterm -bg black -cr green -fg white &"
> to be the command that gets spawned from WindowMaker's XShells->Xterm, instead
> of the ugly default xterm?
> Thanks in advance,
> Timothy

Three solutions:
1) decide that the default xterm isn't so ugly after all.
2) Modify Xresources to make the xterm that appears with "xterm" be
what you want; putting the following into ~/.Xresources (and either
restarting X or running "xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources") will do that:

xterm*background:       black
xterm*foreground:       white
xterm*cursorColor:      green

(You can put these lines into /etc/X11/Xresources to affect every
account on your machine)

3) Modify the menu entry - to do this, you should (as root) copy
/usr/lib/menu/default/xbase to /etc/menu/xbase and then edit it,
changing the "xterm" to "xterm -bg black -cr green -fg white" so that
a portion of that file reads:

?package(xbase):needs=x11 section=XShells      \
   longtitle="Xterm: terminal emulator for X"            title=Xterm\
   command="xterm -bg black -cr green -fg white"

You should then (as root) run "update-menus".  You can also (if you
want to make this change just for your account, and not for all the
others on your system) put the modified xbase file into ~/.menu/xbase
and run update-menus as your normal (non-root) user.

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