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Re: netscape4 and long keys

On 22 May 1998, Douglas Bates wrote:

> Is it possible to get a copy of netscape4.05 with hard encryption (128
> bit keys) for Linux 2.0?  I would like to install this if possible.  I
> am in the U.S. and qualify to obtain such a version if it is
> available.
> I seem to a recall discussion of methods of modifying the 48 bit
> version to create a 128 bit version.  Can anyone give me details on this?

Install the export version and get the patch from ftp.fortify.net which
will modify netscape to use 128 bit encryption.  


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  w6swe@w6swe.ampr.org

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