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XBASE crashing. Is it my chip overheating?

Someone mentioned it could be a heating problem on my chip . I was running the
rc5des client fulltime, the computer was up almost a week nonstop (or more).
I've played a bit with the idea that it was heating.....

I turned the computer off for a couple of hours, killed rc5des, and came back
up. After about 10 mins it went down again, signal 11. 

Does this sound like hardware or a problem with my xbase? Just installed the
newest debs. Maybe I should recompile X myself. Or maybe get a new kernel?
Test my simms? Dip my computer in ice?

This is really unnerving. Any help greatly appreciated. I can't do any work
because X keeps getting trashed.

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11.  Server aborting

sounds nasty. I hope it isn't a nasty hardware problem. It just started last
night. And it has so far only happened in WindowMaker.... it might be a
problem there. I have tried other WM's but never stayed in them long enough to
see if they crashed.

  kiyan@iname.com   A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing
  A. Kiyan Azarbar  its opponents and making them see the light, but
  Ottawa, Canada    rather because its opponents eventually die and a
  Linux 2.0.33      new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
  1024/0x9A9EC5EA   4F3ADBDA1EE5850209DD8BB205250ED2F696A7BE ^- Max Planck

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